With this exciting blueprint, you'll learn how to use simple chord shells to create simple arrangements for jazz standards. The best part? Once you've mastered this technique, you can apply it to a wide range of tunes and even use it for improvisation. Comping and jazz rhythm will also be covered. This blueprint is a great stepping stone into my larger Standards by the Dozen™ program.
In this blueprint, you will learn an easy way to create major seventh, minor seventh, and dominant seventh chords using triads as a foundation. You'll also learn different inversions, exercises to practice, and how to apply these chords to actual songs. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to create a full and impressive sound on the piano and play thousands of different songs.
This blueprint focuses on creating your major, minor, and dominant seventh rootless chords, with a step-by-step process to form them. Rootless chords can be used in both group and solo playing and are a staple of any jazz piano players vocabulary. Be sure to have mastered the Beginner and Intermediate Chords Blueprints before beginning this blueprint.
With this incredible blueprint, you'll learn how to practice using a multimodal approach which means you'll learn your theory, chords and scales FASTER than any other method. Based on years of research and practical application with hundreds of students, you'll improve your knowledge of theory at the piano faster than ever before.