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Music Theory Class

music theory
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Music theory is the language of ALL music. It is how musicians speak to each other, and it is how we explain the nuts and bolts that come together to create beautiful songs, arrangements, solos, orchestrations, and productions.

In this course, Music Theory I, we will examine the basic building-blocks of music - the elements of music - from the beginning level. Students will learn to identify, analyze, and write (notate) basic music structures, supported by class lectures, discussions, demonstrations, personal feedback, and exams.

This course will cover the following topics:

Pulse, meter, rhythmic values, rhythmic dictation, the grand staff, treble/bass clef, octaves, accidentals, enharmonics, half/whole steps, chromatic, major scales, major scale formula, key signatures, minor scales, relative/parallel relationships, natural/harmonic/melodic, intervals, triads, chord symbols, inversions, parallel/contrary motion, 7th chords, inversions of 7th chords, articulations, dynamics, etc.


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ID: 2008 | cr: false | cl: false | co: |
  • Date: 05-08-2023 at 12:00pm
  • Event Timezone: Eastern Timezone
    Always check your timezone against Eastern time. Read Why
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  • Day of Week: Monday
  • Type: class
  • Teacher: paul
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