This lesson will show you how to create all of the important rootless chords that you'll need to know right now. Before you begin this lesson, I'd suggest that you know your major scales, triads and seventh chords first.
In this second lesson, you'll learn how to apply rootless chords to standards. You do not need to learn each song in its entirety. Instead, focus on understand the concept of how rootless chords work with a melody.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to alter and modify your rootless chords. Pay particular attention to the "root stomp" approach as you will use this method when playing rootless chords in a solo piano environment.
This lesson will show you how to pick out the important notes of chord and what tensions to add. You'll also learn about 3-note rootless chords.
Building upon the last step, this lesson will show you how to apply 3-note rootless voicings to a blues progression. I can't stress enough how important this material is to learn, so take your time! Try to memorize and master these chords and progression.