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Our goal is to help you become a better musician, not a lawyer. So, we aim to keep our membership terms simple by bullet pointing them for you below. If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us before ordering.
Memberships renew every month or year (depending on the membership option you chose) until cancelled. You can cancel at any time by clicking on the account button at the top of any page and choosing "Billing & Payments" then you'll see the cancel link.
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee for all memberships. However, there are some limitations:
1. Resource Download Limit: You are allowed to download up to 5 resources during the first 30 days. More details about this can be found Here.
2. First 30 Days Only: The 30-day guarantee applies only to the first 30 days of your initial membership. For example, if you sign up on March 1st and cancel before March 30th, you can get a full refund by contacting us.
3. No Refunds for Returning Members: If you cancel or change your membership and later return, you will not be eligible for another refund. Refunds are only available during the first 30 days of your initial membership with us. However, if you are joining from one of our other sites, such as HomeSchoolPiano or, you may receive a refund during the first 30 days of your membership with the new site. This refund policy applies only once per site. You must contact us to request a refund.
4. DMP Members: Studio DMP requires a 12-month commitment, and Premier DMP requires a 6-month commitment; cancellations are only allowed after the initial commitment period.
There are no refunds for membership renewals. If you do not wish to keep your membership, please be sure to cancel it before the next billing cycle.
One Student, One Plan Purchases, Downloads and Academy Credits are non-refundable.
If you have a legacy or special membership rate, and you cancel your membership, you will not be able to get that rate back in the future if you decide to return to the site.
Recurring memberships do not receive email billing reminders. Please make note of your renewal date.
Jazzedge Academy™ & HomeSchoolPiano™ Refunds: You are entitled to one refund within the first 30 days of your first membership with either Jazzedge Academy™ or HomeSchoolPiano™.
We do not send email reminders before a membership renews. Please make note of your membership renewal date.
If you have any questions about the above terms, please contact us before ordering.
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