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#1 - Progression and Chords (Adv) (Progression and Chords (Adv))
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#1 - Progression and Chords (Adv)
In this lesson we will move away from the blues and instead focus on the classic jazz standard "Beautiful Love." You'll learn the progression and how to form rootless chords to get a more advanced sound.
In the advanced course, we turn our attention to improvisation over Jazz standards, specifically the tune Beautiful Love. I'll teach you how to improvise over this beautiful standard by beginning with rootless voicings. Next, we will learn the scales that go with each chord and we will build a solo using scales and arpeggios. The secret to a good sounding solo though is targeting notes. Without targeting, your solo will sound 'wandering' and lost. Through targeting, neighbor tones and approaches, we will make your soloing sound pro-level in just a few weeks!
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